Police pounce on a syndicate that is producing fraudulent documents from a flat in Johannesburg CBD

Police arrested three suspects who were found in possession of fraudulent documents that include birth certificates, death certificates, university and college certificates and false identity documents.

Police received information about undocumented foreign nationals that are committing fraud and corruption together with Home Affairs officials by unlawfully producing various personal documents in a flat in Marshalltown, Johannesburg CBD. These documents include university certificates, birth certificates, and death certificates, and they are used to commit crimes.

On 16 May 2022, the information was operationalised and the police pounced on the premises where they found five males busy working on laptops and desktops, printing some documents which were later identified as death certificates, birth certificates, and other home affairs documents.

Police also found the green Identity Documents marked deceased, passports, and temporary ID documents.

Five suspects, aged between 39…

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