N3 Toll Route | Traffic Update | Saturday, 23 December 2023 @ 12:45

High traffic volumes, a mix of vehicle types, and a number of incidents are causing heavy congestion on the N3 Toll Route today. More than 2000 vehicles per hour have been recorded along the route traveling southbound (towards KwaZulu Natal), and 1200 vehicles per hour traveling northbound (towards Gauteng).

Two active incident scenes in KwaZulu-Natal are particularly causing major disruptions and delays.

A truck on fire near Estcourt and a multiple vehicle crash in the vicinity of Balgowan are obstructing a single southbound lane at each of the incident scenes.

A backlog of traffic should be expected while recovery and cleanup operations are underway.

“We appeal to road users to please remain patient and courteous. Drive responsibly. Maintain a safe following distance, reduce speed, and stay focussed. Driving under peak traffic conditions is demanding and difficult. Make every effort to ensure your safety,” says Thania Dhoogra, operations manager of N3 Toll Concession…

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