KZN Transport MEC engages with the Provincial Executive Council of the Driving School Association

The MEC for Transport, Community Safety and Liaison Sipho Hlomuka today, 19 September 2023 met with the Provincial Executive Council of the Driving School Association for an introductory meeting following their election earlier this year.

The delegation of the driving schools was led by their Chairperson Lunga Magudulela and the delegation from the Department of Transport also included the Head of Department Siboniso Mbhele and Senior Officials from Public Transportation and Finance.

MEC Sipho Hlomuka congratulated the PEC for their election and committed to working with them in transforming and empowering driving schools.

"We wanted to officially meet you and to introduce you to the Senior Management of the Department so that you can know which door to knock on for any assistance in the execution of your work. We hoping that through the election of this structure we will work together in the promotion of road safety as you are responsible for teaching people how to drive…

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