Joint ATNS-SAAF media statement on DefenceWeb article

Air Traffic and Navigation Services (ATNS) SOC limited, and the South African Air Force has taken note of an article published in the DefenceWeb news portal, dated 7 August 2023, under the headline, “SAAF to help ATNS with air traffic control amid staff shortage”.

ATNS and SAAF were not offered the opportunity to contribute to the article in question, which in our view, is filled with misinformation and inaccuracies. The article is and remains unbalanced and therefore malicious. We strongly believe that the article was written and published with the intent to mislead and consequently damage the two organisations’ good standing and reputation.

On the 19th of July 2023, ATNS and SAAF signed a Master Cooperation Agreement, intended to facilitate cooperation by ensuring the provision of cost-effective and professional air traffic services and navigation infrastructure. This agreement was a review of the agreement signed by ATNS and DOD (on behalf of SAAF) in 2002/2003,…

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