Intense Spring cut-off low expected to affect large parts of South Africa from Saturday to Tuesday

South Africans may experience another significant storm system over the weekend and early next week following the damaging coastal storm surge and wind events of the past week. A cut-off low-pressure system (the equatorward displacement of a low-pressure system at high altitudes) is expected to develop along the west coast of South Africa from Saturday night (23 September). Cut-off lows are notorious for causing widespread severe weather such as flooding, heavy rainfall, and severe thunderstorms.

Widespread showers and thundershowers can be expected across western, central, and southern South Africa, particularly from Sunday onwards.

However, notable uncertainty exists regarding the position and spatial distribution of the cut-off low at this current time, and further analysis will be required. Subsequent media releases will be issued leading up to the event.

A cut-off low will develop along the country's west coast on Saturday evening after the passage of a weak cold front….

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