DR Blade Nzimande to Officially Launch the Easter Road Safety Campaign

Transport Minister, Dr. Bonginkosi Blade Nzimande will officially launch the 2018 Easter Long Weekend road safety campaign aimed at reducing road traffic accidents.

The launch will take form of an integrated law enforcement operation targeting long distance drivers on Tuesday, 20 March 2018 at Heidelberg Weighbridge.   

The Easter road safety campaign launch will be in partnership with the Department of Health, Municipalities and Taxi Associations amongst others.

Health officials will provide screening services to raise awareness about the effects of lifestyle diseases such as high blood pressure, sugar diabetics on driver fitness.

Driver wellness & fitness is one of key underlying factors that contribute to accidents in the country. Additionally; the launch will include activation of halfway stations, a key intervention intended to assist tired drivers to rest after driving long distances.

Furthermore; more ambulances will be deployed on the roads to improve the time taken to respond to serious accidents and provide timeous treatment to the critically injured. This development is envisaged to minimize the severity of injuries and prevent loss of lives during a road crash.

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South Africa Today – Accidents