Cape Town firefighters have managed to rescue seven people from the collapsed building in George

Cape Town firefighters have managed to rescue seven people from the collapsed building in George

Already Cape Town firefighters have managed to rescue seven people from the collapsed building in George.

With the multi-storey collapse, many of the construction workers that were on-site at the time of the incident, were trapped between the concrete floors, in confined spaces.

Our teams have turned their attention to assisting rescue teams on site, by using our snake cameras to help locate trapped victims.

Approaching the 48-hour mark, it is essential to rapidly guide rescue teams on site, to the exact locations where survivors are burried beneath the concrete layers.
(Right now, another 2 persons are being brought up to the surface.)

Our Rescue technicians are themselves exhausted, after heading up to George within just 3 hours of the incident occurring. We have implimented a relief period of 6 hours, where half the team will move to accomodation made available by George Fire and Rescue, and rotate with the team still on site. Since our presence and technology will be required…

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