US military and FBI captures Libyan suspect in Benghazi embassy attack

The US military and the Federal Bureau of Investigation jointly captured a man indicted in connection with the 2012 Benghazi attack that killed four...

African Union unfreeze Egypt’s membership

The African Union's Peace and Security Council has unanimously agreed to unfreeze Egypt's membership to the AU, state news agency MENA reported on Tuesday. The...

Several people killed after blast at Nigeria World Cup TV venue

A suicide bomber has killed several people in northern Nigeria's Yobe state at a venue televising a World Cup match, residents and medics say. A...

Russia Promises to Help Cameroon handle Boko Haram threats

Russian Ambassador to Cameroon, Nikolay Ratsiborinsky has promised that his country will help Cameroon handle the rising Boko Haram and rebels of the Central...

UK aid for DRC funding police programmes using rape as a...

Concern is mounting that British aid money may be funding programmes for police who are using rape as a tool of state-sanctioned torture against...

Lenku will not resign despite demands by the Law Society of...

NAIROBI, Kenya, Jun 17 – Interior Cabinet Secretary Joseph ole Lenku has said he will not resign despite demands by the Law Society of...

Uganda Defense Forces dispatched additional soldiers to Somalia

The Uganda Peoples Defense Forces dispatched additional 1,440 soldiers to serve in Somalia under the African Union Somalia Mission (AMISOM). Henry Abbo deputy army spokesman...

Militants killed at least 15 people in a second night of...

Mpeketoni, Kenya - Somali-linked Islamist militants killed at least 15 people and torched houses in a second night of attacks on Kenya's coast, a...

Extremists spared Muslims and Somali speakers in deadly Mpeketoni attack

The gunmen went door to door in the Kenyan costal town, demanding to know if the men inside were Muslim and if they spoke...

Village of Mpeketoni in shock on Monday

The village of Mpeketoni in Lamu County was on Monday in shock after gunmen struck on Sunday night, killing 48 people in one of...