Village of Mpeketoni in shock on Monday

The village of Mpeketoni in Lamu County was on Monday in shock after gunmen struck on Sunday night, killing 48 people in one of the worst massacres of recent months.

The attack was reminiscent of those by Nigerian Islamist group, Boko Haram, because of the extreme brutality and widespread destruction of property.

Victims were shot in the head with such cold-blooded precision that there were not many survivors. Some had their throats cut. The attackers also burnt buildings housing banks, hotels and eateries and the Deputy County Commissioner’s office during the six-hour orgy of killing in the normally quiet settlement area.

Their attack was spread over a three-kilometre radius covering Mpeketoni and Kibaoni trading centres.

On Monday, contingents of regular and Administration Police with the support of the paramilitary General Service Unit, were dispatched to comb forests in the area in the hunt for the killers…

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