Southern Africa

Southern Africa – Daily news for Southern Africa

Zimbabwe taxman misses revenue collection target

Harare - Company closures, retrenchments and a liquidity crunch caused the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (Zimra) to miss its revenue collection target for the first...

President Sata’s health is a major concern in Zambia

Opposition NAREP president Elias Chipimo Jr says the latest pictures from State House has shown that President Michael Sata is sick. Chipimo Jr says pictures...

EU petitioned to stop funding Nangof Trust

An affiliate organisation of the Namibia Non-Governmental Organisation Forum Trust (Nangof Trust) has petitioned the European Union (EU) headquarters to stop funding the organisation...

Zimbabwe can’t guarantee pay dates for civil servants

Zimbabwe Government has said it cannot guarantee fixed pay dates for civil servants given the economic hardships the country is facing and employees will...

Schoolboy aged Nine marries 62-year-old Woman

Nine-year-old Saneie Masilela has become the world’s youngest groom for the second time after remarrying the 62-year-old woman he tied the knot with last...

Italy Prime Minister kicks off Africa tour in Mozambique

Maputo (AFP) - Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi became the first Italian head of government to visit Mozambique on Saturday at the start of...

South African and Lesotho national jailed for fake SA money

Maseru - A South African citizen and a Lesotho national were on Monday this week slapped with a five-year jail term each by the...

Zimbabweans caught smuggling explosives into SA

Fourteen Zimbabweans were arrested for possession of explosives worth over R350,000 in Musina, Limpopo police said. "These undocumented suspects were found in possession of 100...

Botswana Loses over 2,000 People to Suicide Since 2007

Gaborone - Some 2,389 people have committed suicide in the diamond-rich Botswana since 2007, according to the country’s Defence, Justice and Security Minister, Dikgakgamatso...

Chinese tourists remain Zimbabwe shy

Chinese nationals, whose government is touted an all-weather friend by Zimbabwe, have largely skirted the troubled African country, preferring other regional destinations, a government...