Southern Africa

Southern Africa – Daily news for Southern Africa

Zimbabwe elephant cyanide poisoning cases in Zambezi

Zimbabwe - Four elephants have died from fresh cyanide poisoning in the Zambezi National Park raising fears that more wild animals could be killed...

Sata in Seclusion at Zambian State House

The tension at State House is turning to alarm as President Michael Sata continues to be caged away from even State House staff, a...

NEFF to target Swapo’s two-thirds

“We were the ones who campaigned for Swapo to achieve a two-thirds majority and we are the ones who are going to undo Swapo’s...

Zimbabwe court upholds disabled white farmer’s eviction

The Zimbabwean Constitutional Court has reportedly upheld the eviction of a disabled white commercial farmer who sought compensation after his farm was seized under...

Namibia to emulate Botswana trade in diamonds

Namibia is looking to emulate Botswana’s international trade in diamonds by selling a portion of the minerals mined in the country by Namdeb Diamond...

Mass Zimbabwean deportation fears as SA gets tough

Zimbabwe - Strict new South African immigration laws have sparked confusion and panic among foreign residents in the "Gateway to Africa" and forced 250,000...

Zambian opposition awaiting outcome of Sata’s health court case

A Zambian court is examining a request to have doctors assess the health of Zambian President Michael Sata. There has been increasing speculation about...

Nujoma and genocide statues fenced-off

A MISCOMMUNICATION between the Ministry of Youth, National Service, Sports and Culture and the National Museum of Namibia saw the statue of the former...

Lesotho, a land of nothing but donkeys and water

MDC-T leader Morgan Tsvangirai attacked President Robert Mugabe's woeful economy record Wednesday but the opposition leader may have shoved a foot into his political...

Zimbabwe Government to descend on CDF looters

Zimbabwe legislators who looted Constituency Development Funds during the Seventh Parliament are not off the hook as Government will soon start confiscating properties they...