Kenya: Floods trigger death and massive displacement, threaten disease outbreaks

More than a month of heavy rains are wreaking havoc in Kenya, triggering floods that have claimed an estimated 100 lives and displaced nearly...

United States provides $1.5 million to World Food Programme (WFP's) cyclone...

Download logoThe United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has welcomed a contribution of US$1.5 million from USAID on behalf of the American people to...

North Kivu: resumption of joint patrols between United Nations Organization Stabilization...

Joint patrols between MONUSCO and Congolese security forces have resumed in the city of Goma and its outskirts after being suspended following violent protests...

Energy Transition Plays Role in Driving FIDs Across Africa

Hosted by Africa Oil & Power ( and the African Energy Chamber, the ‘Closing Deals: Advancing FID During COVID-19’ webinar addressed the prioritization of...

Families living with the dead in Democratic Republic of Congo

Kinshasa - In a Congolese cemetery overrun with weeds and rubbish strewn among the graves and banana trees, the living have moved in with...

Humanitarian assistance must increase for displaced people in Twic County

Download logoTens of thousands of people have fled to Twic County, South Sudan where they have settled in displacement sites which lack basic necessities;...

World Food Programme forced to prioritise limited food assistance as funding...

Download logoThe United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has embarked on an extreme prioritization of assistance leaving millions of vulnerable people without food assistance...

MONUSCO expresses grave concern over the recent wave of ongoing arrests...

Maman S. Sidikou, the Special Representative of the Secretary General and Head of MONUSCO, expressed his grave concern over the wave of ongoing arrests,...

DRC: Improving adolescent and youth health services

Nineteen-year-old Armande* recalls her disastrous first visit to a health centre. “It was awful,” says the teen from Kongo Central, in western Democratic Republic of...

Africa Oil & Power Launches DRC Investment Report, Aligns with Upcoming...

Africa Oil & Power (AOP) ( launched the Africa Energy Series Special Report: DRC 2020 as the country’s premier, sector-specific report outlining key areas...