Coronavirus – Sierra Leone: WHO is supporting Ministry of Health, Sierra...

Download logoFunctional lab system is vital in health emergencies. WHO is supporting Ministry of Health, Sierra Leone to improve capacity and quality control including at...

Place to safely disembark urgently needed for 111 people rescued from...

Download logoThe international medical humanitarian organization Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is requesting a place of safety to disembark 111 survivors—including 52 minors,...

DR Congo places new visa restrictions on Rwandans

RUBAVU, Rwanda - The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) this week introduced a new Visa policy targeting Rwandans, which regional officials say affects more...

Providing medical care to people across Ethiopia

Download logoMore than 22 million people were estimated to need humanitarian assistance in Ethiopia in 2022. Many faced the tragic consequences of conflict, particularly...

South Sudan: Thousands of men, women and children caught between the...

Thousands of people caught between the frontlines in South Sudan are unable to reach basic services including food, water and essential healthcare says the...

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) welcomes €17 million contribution from Germany...

Download logoFAO Director-General QU Dongyu has welcomed a €17 million contribution from Germany to provide assistance to those directly affected by the Desert Locust...

835 000 people to receive second dose of the cholera vaccine...

The second phase of an oral vaccination campaign to protect more than 835 000 people from cholera in the North Kivu Province of the...

WHO supports Government to immunize ‘Almajiri’ Children in Northwest Nigeria

Download logoIn an effort to reach and vaccinate every eligible child in Nigeria, the World Health Organization (WHO) is supporting the Government to vaccinate...

Children in Democratic Republic of the Congo facing worst cholera outbreak...

Download logoA spike in conflict and displacement in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo is pushing children into the worst cholera crisis since...

Volcano eruption in Goma raises urgent need for reproductive health services...

Following the eruption of the volcano, Mount Nyiragongo near Goma, tens of thousands of women and girls are in urgent need of critical sexual and...