The Tanqua Kuru Bicycle Race Makes History with World’s First Airborne Waterpoint

The Tanqua Kuru Bicycle Race Makes History with World’s First Airborne Waterpoint

The Tanqua Kuru Bicycle Race made history by introducing the world’s first airborne waterpoint, a unique feature that enhanced the race experience for participants. Sponsored by Sling Aircraft, this innovative refreshment point provided much-needed hydration from the sky.

The two-day gravel bike race, held in the rugged and picturesque Tankwa region, has always been known for its challenging terrain and breathtaking landscapes. This year, the race took its commitment to rider support and innovation to new heights.

Jeremy Crowder, the race organiser, expressed his excitement about this groundbreaking initiative: “We were thrilled to introduce the airborne waterpoint, a first in the world of cycling races. This not only set a new standard for race support but also highlighted our dedication to providing a unique and unforgettable experience. We are grateful to Sling Aircraft for making this possible and helping us push the boundaries of what’s possible in race logistics.”

Andrew Pitman, CEO of Sling Aircraft, shared his enthusiasm for being part of this pioneering effort: “At Sling Aircraft, we are always looking for ways to innovate and support adventurous pursuits. Sponsoring the world’s first airborne waterpoint aligned perfectly with our mission to push the envelope in aviation and beyond. We were proud to partner with The Tanqua Kuru Bicycle Race and see the positive impact this had on the race and its participants.”

The airborne waterpoint was deployed from a Sling Aircraft, ensuring that a few lucky riders who were randomly selected to win this experience, received timely and efficient hydration as they navigated the challenging course. This partnership not only demonstrated the versatility and capability of Sling Aircraft but also enhanced the overall safety and enjoyment of the race.

As The Tanqua Kuru Bicycle Race continues to grow in popularity and prestige, innovations like the airborne waterpoint cement its reputation as a leader in the cycling community, offering participants a truly unparalleled racing experience.

For more information about the Tanqua Kuru Bicycle Race please visit our website here or follow as the_tanqua_kuru_bicycle_race

Entries for the 2025 Tanqua Kuru Bicycle Race will open on 1 October 2024.

Image credits to Max Sullivan and can be found here