Ex-Liberian President Taylor asked to serve war crimes sentence in Rwanda

Ex-Liberian President Charles Taylor has asked to serve the rest of his war crimes sentence in Rwanda, claiming that being detained in the UK...

Democracy in Nigeria under threat

Less than 48 hours after the Chief of Defense Staff, CDS, Air Chief Marshal Alex Badeh dismissed as untenable, rumours in some quarters of...

South Sudan’s religious leaders call for peace negotiations to restart

Religious leaders from South Sudan have urged the country's warring factions to renew their negotiations, warning that the boycott of peace talks is costing...

Unifying International forces to combat Al-Shabaab in Africa

Mogadishu (HAN) June 20, 2014 – Regional Anti-terror military command news update. The U.S. government and its allies in East Africa say the interventionist...

Britain remains in Kenya for the long haul

The modern-day relationship between the United Kingdom and Kenya is deep and abiding. We are bound together by strong ties that benefit both our...

Djibouti and Ethiopia Committed to Strengthen Ties

During a bilateral talk between Ethiopia and Djibouti on Thursday, June 19, 2014, representatives of the countries have announced they are committed boost their...

Jonathan Moyo speaks on Sunday Mail editor’s arrest

Information minister Jonathan Moyo on Friday spoke out for the first time on the arrest of Sunday Mail editor, Edmund Kudzayi. Kudzayi was arrested on...

Zimbabwe Education: A lot of work to do

Images of neglected Bubi school in Matabeleland North - THE Japanese government has come to the rescue of Molo Primary School teachers and pupils...

Zambia need help from co-operating partners

Secretary to Treasury Fredson Yamba said there is need for effective dialogue to avoid misconceptions on the state of the economy. “While Government has resolved...

Namibia in sanctions scare

Members of parliament were forced to amend the law which deals with money laundering and terrorism after it emerged that government had less than...