Botswana: Agriculture Ministry Benchmarks Against Australia

Australia — The Africa Down Under conference that President Dr Mokgweetsi Masisi and his delegation attended in Perth, Australia, also provided the Ministry of...

Rugby: Botswana Continues on With Grassroots Development

Seven hundred and seventy six young players showcased their skills in this years annual Botswana Integrated Sports Association (BISA) in conjunction with Botswana Rugby...

Botswana First Lady joins Merck Foundation First Ladies Summit via videoconference...

Merck Foundation (, the philanthropic arm of Merck KGaA Germany conducted their first Video Conference Summit of Merck Foundation First Ladies Initiative (MFFLI). The MFFLI...

Botswana: The Mares Start Campaign On High

Gaborone — Following the women's senior national football team, The Mares' emphatic 4-1 victory over Gabon during the 2024 Women's Africa's Cup of Nations...

South Africa: ANC Veteran Disappointed Over State Capture Leaders on Party...

  ANC Veteran Disappointed Over State Capture Leaders on Party List African National Congress veteran Mavuso Msimang recently re-engaged with the ruling party after a brief...

Africa: Inclusive, Sustainable Trade Will Help Africa Realise Its Potential, Says...

Geneva — Inclusive, sustainable trade will allow Africa to realize its full potential, Botswana's President Mokgweetsi Masisi has told the World Trade Organization (WTO). Masisi...

Botswana: Tati Land Board Negotiates With Farm Owners

Masunga — Tati Land board is negotiating with farm owners with a view to buying land for onward allocation to people on the waiting...

Botswana: Ostrich Farming Commercially Viable

Gaborone — Though besieged by different challenges, Botswana's ostrich farming sector can be revived. This came to light during the Botswana Ostrich Farmers Association (BOFA)...

Coronavirus – Botswana: No vaccine manufacturing company has withdrawn from an...

Download logoThe Ministry of Health and Wellness has noted with concern a story in the Sunday Standard/The Telegraph social media platform indicating that Moderna...

Botswana: Accelerate Pace to Ending HIV – Dikoloti

Gaborone — There is need for Batswana to continue efforts to maintain and further advance viable strategies of ending HIV/AIDS by the year 2030. Minister...