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East Africa

East Africa – Daily news for East Africa

Over half of East African graduates lack employability skills

At least half of graduates produced by East African universities lack employability skills, technical mastery and basic work-related capabilities, a new survey shows. According to...

United States warns against all travel to South Sudan

The State Department issued a stern warning on Thursday against all travel to South Sudan by US citizens. The posting said the “ordered departure” of...

Funeral held in Kenya for internet entrepreneur Carey Eaton

Nairobi - The funeral for prominent Kenyan-Australian internet entrepreneur Carey Eaton, who was murdered last week in an apparent armed robbery, was held in...

Namibia wants to employ 100 nurses from Kenya

Namibia wants to employ 100 nurses from Kenya to work in the southern African country for the next two years. An advertisement in the Daily...

Satao, Kenya’s biggest elephant killed by poachers

Satao lived in Tsavo East National park in northern Kenya and was celebrated as one of the last surviving great tuskers, bearers of genes...

al-Qaida-linked Al-Shabaab planning attacks in Djibouti

Somalia's al-Qaida-linked al-Shabaab insurgents are planning further attacks in the Horn of Africa nation of Djibouti, the Foreign Office has warned, after suicide bombers...

In Somalia, an old Wives’ Tale That Spreads Measles

Hawa Nor carried her visibly weakened son into the hospital's isolation ward. Like many sick children here, the 7-year-old boy is likely a victim...

General Karangi says people with good grades do not make good...

Kenya’s Chief of the Defence Forces Julius Karangi has cast doubts on intellectuals joining the military. Karangi says people with good grades do not make...

Several years of persistent, recurring drought in Djibouti

GENEVA — The United Nations has launched a two-year, multi-million-dollar appeal to help one-quarter-million people in the tiny East African country of Djibouti recover...

Al-Shabaab planning more Djibouti attacks

Nairobi, Kenya - Somalia's al-Qaeda-linked Al-Shabaab insurgents are planning further attacks in the Horn of Africa nation of Djibouti, Britain warned Thursday, after suicide...