From rainy to dry season – sustained support brings relief to...

For the first time since the onset of the Boko Haram crisis, hunger has considerably declined in northeastern Nigeria. In the three states ravaged...

The Food and Agriculture Organization and World Food Programme step up...

Against a backdrop of intense human suffering, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Food Programme (WFP) are joining forces to mitigate...

Congo, Kasai: Samy Badibanga, ex-Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of...

Samy Badibanga, ex-Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of the Congo issues an urgent appeal for an international donor conference: As...

Harvest season provides meagre respite to South Sudan’s hunger crisis

The current harvest season in South Sudan will not end the hunger crisis as conflict persists in most of the country and hyperinflation puts...

Russia Debt-for-Development Initiative to Support School Meals in Mozambique

An innovative debt-swap initiative between the Russian Federation and Mozambique has unlocked a commitment of US$40 million, which will be used by the United...

North Kivu – Attack on MONUSCO Troops at Semuliki, at Least...

In the evening of 7 December 2017, suspected ADF elements conducted an attack against a MONUSCO Company Operating Base at Force at Semuliki in Beni...

Guinea: Judges Conclude 2009 Massacre Inquiry

The panel of Guinean judges investigating the September 28, 2009 massacre of more than 150 protesters and rape of 100 women by the security...

Democratic Republic of Congo: New ‘Kivu Security Tracker’ Maps Eastern Violence

The new Kivu Security Tracker will map violence by armed groups and Congolese security forces in the Democratic Republic of Congo’s eastern Kivu provinces, Human Rights Watch...

Youth Colour the Future: Sudanese young artists showcase Sustainable Development Goals...

To celebrate the United Nations 72nd anniversary, an art exhibition by young Sudanese artists entitled ‘Youth Colour the Future’ opened its doors to the...

Kasai, Democratic Republic of Congo: Millions at Risk as Funding Dries...

An acute hunger emergency in conflict-ravaged Greater Kasai could turn into a long-term disaster, the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) warned today. While...