Things to Know about Bwindi Impenetrable National Park Travel

Things to Know about Bwindi Impenetrable National Park Travel
Things to Know about Bwindi Impenetrable National Park Travel

If you are fortunate to have the opportunity to go on a Sahara Safari, you do not want to pass up the opportunity to go trekking through the rainforests of Uganda or Rwanda. This amazing opportunity will allow you to experience first-hand the habitats of gorillas. Gorillas have been added to the endangered species list by International Union for Conservation of Nature. They have been declared endangered due to changes in their natural habitat. By taking this amazing journey through the dense rainforests of either side of the Congo River, you can really appreciate the beauty the beauty that surrounds the natural habitats of these amazing creatures.

The Bwindi rainforest inhabits the majority of the Mountain Gorilla population. It is said that there are approximately 360 of the remaining 800 gorillas living in the Bwindi rainforest. Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, located in south Uganda is a 10 km area within the rainforest that is a designated national park and has grown increasingly popular worldwide as a destination for gorilla trekking.

Gorilla trekking is a guided experience that involves journeying through these rainforests and having close encounters with the gorillas that live there. These tours will take place in Uganda, Rwanda or the Democratic Republic of Congo. The exact destination of the tours depends widely on the number of permits that are available at each site. There are fees tacked on to these tours. These fees are used to help with the financing needed to help protect the gorillas.

Once the decision to travel is established and you are ready to embark on this amazing journey, you will want to know what to expect. The best time of year to go gorilla trekking is either July-August which is peak season or October through mid-December in order to avoid the rainiest seasons. During these times, it is usually very sunny with the average temperature being around 78 degrees Fahrenheit. You will have to plan way advance due to the permit requirements. The costs of the permits vary depending on where you to choose to go. Uganda is the cheapest place to obtain a permit with Rwanda following. Permits for tours in Congo are the most expensive.

The guides at these sites have some strict rules in place that will be explained prior to the tour. Before you start on the tour, you will be expected to wash your hands. They will not allow you to take any food or drinks near the gorillas. You are advised to remain quiet and still once you are in the habitats. These rules are set forth for both the safety of the people in the group and the gorillas.

Other rules that are enforced include speaking in a low voice. Feel free to ask the guide questions but speak in low registers. Do not use flash photography. It is not allowed. Take along light rainwear and have waterproof accessories to protect your camera. Garden gloves are recommended to help maneuver netting with your hands. Wear water proof hiking boots with ankle support because chances are you will be trudging through shallow water. Lightweight hiking pants and comfortable long sleeve shirts are suggested. Guides will not allow you to go trekking if they determine that you have any flu symptoms. Gorillas have no immunity so being sick can be catastrophic to the habitat.

For a better experience, it would not be a bad idea to study and research gorillas and how they live within these rainforests. Watching videos that show up-close and personal footage of these habitats will give you a better perspective of what to expect.

Once you arrive at the destination and take care of the initial formalities, you are ready to start the journey. You are assigned to a group of no more than 8 people. You will be accompanied by the tour guide and 2-armed security guards. Each group is assigned a gorilla family. It could take up to 6 hours to find the family that you are assigned to observe. Once the tour guide has located the family, you will only be allowed to observe for approximately an hour. During that hour, you will be expected to remain quiet and still to not scare off the gorillas. If the gorillas become frightened, the group will be in danger. Hence, the requirement of the armed guards.

For the best experience in gorilla trekking, do your research. Plan ahead and be mindful of the habitats that you will explore. This can be a life changing experience that you will never forget. For most, it is an opportunity that they can only dream about.