10 Enticing Indonesia Holiday Destinations You Must See

Indonesia is a country with 17000 islands. It has diversified geographically and that means there are many beaches, jungles, volcanoes and many more. People often think Indonesia has only one attractive destination, Bali. But that is totally a myth. Every destination in Indonesia has its own uniqueness and beauty-factor. Travelila has shortlisted some of the Indonesia Holiday Destinations that are must visit during your trip. With the help of this complete your trip to Indonesia from your bucket list.

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Bali is one of the most preferred Indonesia Holiday Destinations. Bali is also known as “Land of Gods” as there are many carved temples in Bali along with that it also has many alluring beaches to be on. Places like Kuta Beach, Seminyak Beach, Pandawa Beach, Tegenungan Waterfall, Tanah lot temple, Uluwatu Temple, and many more are most beautiful to visit in Bali. Shopping in Ubud Art Market is something that you should not miss, you can get beautiful silk scarves, lightweight shirts, and many more.

Lake Toba

Lake Toba has formed 69000 to 77000 years ago because of the volcanic eruption. It is a beautiful nature’s spot having a dark side to it. Plus it is the most peaceful place that attracts the number of tourists to it. Many water sports like swimming, water skiing, fishing, or canoeing can be experienced. Even a water bike ride to explore the surroundings of this lake is also worth it.

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Padar Island

Padar Island in Komodo National Park is worth visiting. Once it was the home of Komodo Dragons until they left the area in search for better hunting. Komodo National Park also offers kayaking, trekking and sea diving like adventurous activities. Padar Islands have different beaches with a different color of sand one has white while another has grey and pink sand.

Mt. Merapi

Indonesia has most of the active volcanoes in the world and of which Mt. Merapi is the one. It is said that during eruption it flowed out to the 3000 meters above the sea level and has destroyed much of living life who tried to live in this region. So try to take out time while in Indonesia and experience the sightseeing of an active volcano.

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Borobudur is the most ancient cultural temple in Indonesia. It is constructed in the shape of a traditional Buddhist mandala in the 8th century. In 1991, UNESCO declared Borobudur as a world heritage site. The stone structures of this temple reflect the Indonesian culture that was followed years ago. There are 72 carved figures of Buddha in here that makes it the biggest Buddhist temple around the world. The scenery of mountains from Borobudur is quite mesmerizing and creates a beautiful background for picture clicking.

Weh Island

Make your trip to Indonesia more exciting by visiting Weh Island. The location of Weh Island is on the Andaman Sea. Many tourists visit this island to experience its beach life. It is said that the beaches on Weh island give you the best beach life experience. Water sport like Scuba diving and snorkeling can also be done. Swimming in the clear blue water is the best thing you can do on Weh Island. And the main attraction of this Island is megamouth sharks.

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Medan is an economic and commercial hub of Sumatra Island. This attracts people from all over Indonesia to come and stay here and experience its culinary spots. This city is a bit busy city so you will have to be patient with traffic jams. When in Medan don’t forget to taste it’s famous rolled sponge cakes with the different options of buttercream flavors. Maimoon palace in Medan reflects the royal heritage of the city. Berastagi is famous for the varieties of fruits it holds. Some of the famous fruits are Durian and Markisa.


Bandung city is located in the province of Java. The fourth most populated city in Indonesia after Jakarta is Bandung. This city has many luxurious hotels for the stay and eateries that provide delicious food. There are many architectural buildings, museums, natural parks, shopping malls, and many more to visit and explore. Bandung is also known as the shopping hub of the province.

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Lombok located in West Nusa Tenggara has many attractions including beaches and Mt. Rinjani. The marine life of Lombok is spectacular. Some of the popular cities of Lombok are Senggigi, Mataram, Senaru, and Kuta. Mt. Rinjani, Gili Islands, Gili Air are the places that are not to be missed when traveling in Indonesia. The things that you must do when in Lombok are Trekking, Scuba Diving, Snorkeling, visiting Waterfalls, etc.


The solo city is also the historic royal city of Indonesia like Yogyakarta. This city is also known as Surakarta. Traveling in Solo city can be done through Becak ( a cycle rickshaw) or through foot but that is a bit difficult as streets are crowded and noisy. You can also rent bicycles or cars from rental stores in the city. While in solo do shopping at Klewer Traditional Market, try Serabi, the real pancake, visit the historical Cetho Temple, watch a puppet show and travel in a fancy double-decker bus.

These were the Indonesia holiday destination that you must visit. And the most important thing is to try the traditional cuisine of Indonesia. For more such ideas about travel visit Travelila.