In this video by ‘RedPill Shark’ As south African government prepares to confiscate land without compensation from white South African farmers an unlikely ally emerges. The minister of home affairs in Australia, Peter Dutton has put forward a plan for white South Africa farmers to come to Australia. But the South African government lashed out and demanded an apology from him. No such apology is forthcoming amidst the statistics piling up against the corrupt, racist ANC government who, it has been proven, by a report on Front Nasionaal SA Facebook page that the ANC is in fact even behind the land grabs and riots in Hermanus. And that the increase in farm attacks, farm murders and murders of whites generally is being fueled by black South African leaders.

The Australian minister is pushing forward with this initiative. The world is starting to take notice of the atrocities, the lies, corruption, looting of state funds, crime, attacks, torture and murder. And the indisputable evidence that the South African government and its allies the EFF are behind this.