Buses and Taxis Sanitized to Protect Millions

Buses and Taxis Sanitized to Protect Millions
Buses and Taxis Sanitized to Protect Millions. Photo Supplied.

Scientology, one-step further in fighting Covid-19:

GAUTENG-Shortly after the Country announced level 4 measures, Scientology

Volunteer ministers went right ahead to protect the citizens by sanitizing taxis and buses in Gauteng. Concerned by the fact that these avenues could contribute to the rapid spreading of covid-19 if not properly taken care of, the Volunteer Ministers wasted no time in sanitizing thousands of taxis and hundreds of Rea Vaya buses, sparing no expense to protect millions.

835602e7-4386-4bfc-a11d-c012fc94afd1.jpg                             Volunteer Minister sanitizing a bus in Gauteng: Photo Supplied.

Taxi and bus operations have been a major concern since the country was hit with this pandemic. With millions of commuters restarting to use the service of public transport during level 4, it was apparent that precautionary measures had to be taken. Scientologists then established a partnership with the Gauteng Department of Roads and Transport and immediately started to sanitize public transports.

“Despite the fact that we have spent millions of Rands so far in sanitizing, it gives us great pleasure to know we can effectively play our role in assisting our country and our President during this pandemic,” said Sandile Hlayisi” Public Affairs Director.

The first 6 000 taxis and 150 buses have been sanitized in addition to 1181 Police vehicles, 80 Fire engines, 143 Ambulances and 3263 buildings decontaminated.

All of this totals 88, 500 Volunteer hours since the lockdown.

Volunteer Ministers are trained in disaster management technology from Humanitarian and Philanthropist L.Ron Hubbard, who founded the Scientology Volunteer Ministers program for South Africa.

Volunteer Ministers have also trained and partnered with over 1,000 different groups, organizations and agencies around the world, including the Red Cross, National Guard, Army Cadets, Salvation Army, Boy Scouts, Rotary Clubs, civil defense and disaster management agencies, YMCAs, police and fire departments of dozens of cities and towns and hundreds more national and regional groups and organizations.

So whether it’s an earthquake, tsunami or the Covid-19 pandemic, the Volunteer Ministers are always ready to respond.