Chakra Beej Kriya Vishuddhi Chakra by Yogi Ashwini

Dhyan Foundation

In this series of articles, I have been taking you through the chakra beej kriya which comprises of a set of asans and dhwanis to tap into the phenomenal power of six major chakras in the body namely Mooladhar, Swadhishthan, Manipoorak, Anahad, Vishuddhi and Agya. This technique is a part of self healing with Sanatan Kriya and the practioner can make desired changes in the body and surroundings through the power of consciousness. We have discussed the asans till the Anahad chakra and now will proceed to the Vishuddhi chakra.

Vishuddhi (The Throat Chakra)

It is located in the Adam’s apple area in the throat region. It controls the thyroid glands and the power of voice. It is also responsible for controlling the breath. At the pranic level it is the seat for higher creativity. Its base element is ether. The beej mantra for this chakra is HAM.

Having returned from the chakra asan to the resting position, take your awareness to the Visshuddhi chakra, and begin the chant of HAM. Now we graduate into the asans for this chakra,

Halasana (Plough Pose)

Lie on your back and take a deep breath. Resting the arms next to the body and holding the breath, gently raise both legs in a vertical position. Bend elbows to support the back with your hands and gently roll the buttocks and spine off the floor to lower the legs over the head. Try to touch your toes to the floor. Hold the posture for as long as comfortable while maintaining Ujjai breath.


Those suffering from sciatica, spinal and neck injuries or high blood pressure should refrain from performing this asana.

Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand Pose)

From the halasana, bring your legs to the front and using elbow support, place your hands on the upper back to roll the buttocks and spine off the floor such that the entire body upto the upperback is in a straight line perpendicular to the floor. Body is supported by the elbows, nape of neck, shoulders and head. The chest is pressed against the chin. Hold this posture for as long as comfortable while breathing in Ujjai and gently come back.


This asana should not be practiced by people with heart ailments, spinal problems, high blood pressure, during menstruation and pregnancy.

Vipreetkarni (Inverted Pose)

From sarvangasana, lower your hips a little supporting them with your hands while resting the elbows on ground such that the legs are perpendicular to the ground while the spine is tilted at an angle of forty-five degrees. The shoulders and head stay on the ground, chin is partially tucked into the chest. Retain the posture while breathing in Ujjai.

This asana should not be practiced by people suffering from cervical spondylitis, slip disc, high blood pressure, during menstruation and pregnancy. This asana has the reversing effect of channelizing the nectar towards the Sahastrara and works wonders in dealing with grey hair, wrinkles and sagging skin.

In the next article, we will discuss the properties, asans and mantras for the Agya chakra. It is advised that you visit your nearest Dhyan Foundation center to learn the correct way to practice asans. The effect of all these asans becomes manifold when practiced under the guidance of your Guru who channelises energy into each asan.

Yogi Ashwini is the Guiding Light of Dhyan Foundation and an authority on the Vedic Sciences. His book, ‘Sanatan Kriya, The Ageless Dimension’ is an acclaimed thesis on anti-ageing. Log onto to or mail to [email protected] for more.


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