The nutritional benefits of Pork – very good source of minerals

The nutritional benefits of Pork – very good source of minerals
The nutritional benefits of Pork - very good source of minerals. Photo by Cornel van Heerden

Why we should be eating more pork – The nutritional benefits weigh in

Pork, being the world’s most popular type of meat, has many beneficial qualities that make it easy to incorporate into a balanced menu. It offers a versatile and flavourful range that includes lean and nutrient-rich cuts that are easy to cook and enjoyable by all.

Pork is a very good source of the minerals iron, zinc, manganese, copper and calcium. And more specifically, it provides the body with the dietary intake of sufficient iron that helps to prevent tiredness or fatigue. The type of iron supplied by pork is more easily absorbed by the human body than iron found in plant-based diets. Zinc promotes wound healing and the prevention of cold sores and infections, while manganese, copper and calcium help build a healthy immune system and strong bones.

Pork is also a good source of vitamins A, D, E and K, assisting in the maintenance of the many metabolic processes in the body and vitamin B, which ensures a healthy nervous system, in order to cope with stress.

Many years ago, research on the health benefits of animal fats was very limited but today, we know that animal fats can be a part of a healthy and varied diet. In addition to the points raised above, Lynca Meats together with Marieta Human, Head of the South African Pork Producers’ Organisation (SAPPO), unpack why pork is a nutritional must have in your diet.

1. It’s more than just protein

Although pork contains comparable amounts of high-quality protein to beef (around 26% by fresh weight) which contribute towards muscle support and growth , other elements of its nutritional make-up make it uniquely useful in our diets. Pork is a rich source of many essential vitamins and minerals, including:

· Iron

· Phosphorous

· Niacin

· Vitamin B6

· Vitamin B12

· Zinc

· Selenium

Unlike other red meats, pork is also rich in thiamine – one of the B vitamins that are essential for many bodily functions. It is also the most collagen-rich source of protein available, promoting smooth, plump skin, healthy joints and cardiovascular health.

2. It is leaner than you think

In the right amounts, animal fats can absolutely be incorporated into a healthy diet that promotes lifelong wellness and a healthy weight. A great advantage of fresh pork is the variety of cuts available. Loin chops and pork tenderloin are delicious and as lean as skinless chicken breast. In addition, while beef is often prized for the marbling of fat through its muscle, pork carries almost all its fat just beneath the skin, making it easy to trim off for leaner meals overall, no matter which cut you prefer.

3. And the most important part?

It is delicious! Being able to experience a range of different tastes and textures and a feeling of satisfaction without the need for mounds of salt and fat is what a happy, healthy relationship with food is all about – not to mention the occasional helping of bacon.

Pork lends itself to a variety of healthy cooking methods that highlight its flavour without compromising its nutritional qualities. Pan fried, stir fried, stewed, braaied or grilled, it can be enjoyed in many different ways at a more affordable price-point than other red meats.