How safe is your neighbourhood?

How safe is your neighbourhood? Find out using News24’s Crime Check...

News24 is launching CrimeCheck, an application designed to help South Africans understand their risk of becoming a victim in a country where crime levels...

The Top 4 Factors That Determine How Quickly You Get Over...

Crime has become one of those things that you are lucky if you avoid throughout your lifetime. Most people end up either being victims...
Reliable power for gate motors for dependable security

Reliable power for gate motors for dependable security

The decrease in robberies during strict lockdown restrictions, doesn’t mean you can stop prioritising the safety and security of your properties and people, especially...
Solo female travel

Solo female jet-setting is on the rise – here’s how to...

A 2024 study found that 58.3% of millennials worldwide are willing to travel alone with solo travelling being more popular among females at 72%...
EZVIZ steps up Smart Security for your Home with C3X AI-powered Camera

EZVIZ steps up Smart Security for your Home with C3X AI-powered...

EZVIZ is a globally leading brand of intelligent devices and hi-tech home solutions that aim to create living environments that feel safe, secure, convenient...
Awareness campaign and safety tips when using an ATM. Photo: SAPS

Awareness campaign and safety tips when using an ATM

Aliwal North Crime Prevention and Communication members conducted an awareness campaign on safety tips when using an ATM. Be alert and conscious of your...

South African Farmers, how safe are you?

The murder rate of the whole South African population remains at over 31 per 100 000. The murder rate of farmers, including Afrikaner farmers,...
Michael Brown from iFearLESS

Innovations is allowing citizens to claim back their safety

In a bid to provide South Africans with convenient and affordable access to private safety and safekeeping, a security guard company is arming citizens...
Almost 2000 South Africans Found To Be Driving Without A Valid Licence

Almost 2000 South Africans Found To Be Driving Without A Valid...

Everyone knows that you should only drive a vehicle on South Africa’s roads when you hold a valid driving licence. Yet, Easter weekend saw 1909...
Bank safely this festive season

Bank safely this festive season

The South African Banking Risk Information Centre (SABRIC) has cautioned the public about bank crimes that could be prevalent this festive season. “Criminals are always...

Smash and grab film prevents possible hijacking

Referring to the "smash and grab" incident at the robot near Builders Warehouse, there has been another similar incident that happened on February 11,...
Can Legal Gun Ownership Resolve SA's Increasing Crime Rate?

Can Legal Gun Ownership Resolve SA’s Increasing Crime Rate?

On 7 February this year, a homeowner from Sandton, Johannesburg was confronted in his home by 4 would-be burglars. The homeowner exchanged gunfire with...