Ghana: Gbese Mantse Outdoors New Chiefs, Elders

The President of the Gbese Traditional Council, Dr Nii Ayi Bonte II, has sworn-in Nii Okaidja Dzata I, and Naa Dedei Akanua II as the new chief and queenmother for Kojo Ashong, one of the 104 communities under the Gbese Traditional Area.

Also a number of elders of the Nii Okaidja Family of Gbese, including Nii Ayitey Gbetsulo I, Nii Okai Larsulo I, and Nii Akama Shuoblo I, were also sworn in as the Akwashongtse, Dzaasetse and Shippi respectively.

At a ceremony to outdoor the new chief and elders…


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