No more white farms to grab in Zimbabwe?

The farming community in Masvingo province, Zimbabwe has been shocked by attacks on black farmers by suspected war vets.

One of the farmers, Mufaro Mukaro was struck with an axe to his head and is now in hospital where his condition is described as serious.

76 year-old Tsaurai Lawrence Stemere, who owns Sundowns Farm, told the paper he survived the brutal attack on Saturday but his Nissan Twin Cab vehicle was reduced to a shell and his house was set ablaze by the marauding war vets.

Ben Freeth, a farmer and spokesman for the SADC Tribunal Rights Watch, told our Speak Out Padare program on Tuesday the attacks could indicate there are no more white farms to grab.

‘The shift in their modus operandi may be that they have run out of white farms to take, with only a few remaining. The farms they are targeting now were bought in bona fide way back in the 1990’s.

‘It will be interesting to see what will happen to the people carrying out these attacks. When they took our farm, burnt down our houses, took away our crops and tractors, no one was arrested,’ he said…

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