Mugabe ‘ run out of ideas’ to fix the economy

Harare – Zimbabwe’s former prime minister Morgan Tsvangirai said on Monday that long-ruling President Robert Mugabe had “run out of ideas” to fix the economy amidst massive unemployment and a brewing financial crisis.

“Mr Mugabe remains marooned from the reality of the national situation, oblivious to the daily predicament facing Zimbabweans as they struggle to survive,” the opposition leader said. “The government simply has run out of ideas.”

Tsvangirai, who was premier from 2009-2013 as part of a power-sharing deal with Mugabe, said that corruption and state profligacy were exacerbating economic woes as the country is saddled with a $10bn debt.

“Systemic corruption and unbridled avarice [greed] have become an albatross of this economy,” he said…

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