Mugabe parties while Zimbabwe burns

Harare – The ruling Zanu PF yesterday shocked the world by holding celebrations to mark the anniversary of their electoral victory on July 31, 2013 despite widespread poverty gripping the nation.

Their victory celebrations at State House came at a time when citizens are blighted by a deepening liquidity crunch while President Robert Mugabe and his Cabinet have failed to live up to their electoral promises to grow the economy and create 2 million jobs.

The celebrations have been dampened by reports by the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions that over 300 people are being retrenched every week.

The broke government is not only struggling to service its wage bill but is also failing to guarantee pay dates.

This state of affairs has literally turned Zimbabwe into a nation of vendors and beggars.

Analysts told the Daily News yesterday that there was nothing to celebrate, one year after Zanu PF controversially won the elections.

University of Zimbabwe political scientist Eldred Masunungure said only a few elite had something to celebrate.

“The majority of voters have nothing to celebrate,” Masunungure told the Daily News. “There is a pervasive mood of frustration that expectations generated have not been fulfilled…

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