Mugabe flies out again while economic crisis worsens

Harare – President Robert Mugabe yesterday flew to the Equatorial Guinea capital Malabo to attend the 23rd Ordinary Session of the African Union (AU) while Zimbabwe’s economic crisis worsens.

Zimbabweans are expecting Mugabe to address the nation on the economic crisis that has forced hundreds of companies to close down rendering thousands unemployed.

The summit runs until June 27, and will see African heads of States deliberating on strategies around improving agri-business on the continent by ensuring that political commitments are translated to concrete action.

The summit, which is also being attended by ministers of Agriculture from member States, will work on strategies of improving livelihoods of African citizens.

This is the fifth trip Mugabe has embarked on inside two months, and comes at a time when there are mounting concerns that Zimbabwe’s economy was fragile after averaging double digit growth between 2009-2012.

The 90-year-old leader has travelled to Singapore for a routine medical check-up, and then proceeded to South Africa where he attended South African president Jacob Zuma’s inauguration before flying to Dubai.

He then proceeded to Bolivia for the G77 plus China summit.

His trip comes as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has warned that Zimbabwe should undertake comprehensive reforms, including reducing the public sector wage bill and mobilising revenues from diamond mining to save the economy…

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