Namibia is becoming like Zimbabwe – UPM

The United People’s Movement (UPM) says Namibia is quickly going the way of Zimbabwe, where economic ruin is the order of the day.

Speaking at a recent central committee meeting, UPM president Willem Bismarck van Wyk said Swapo wants Namibia to become a one-party State so that it can waste resources as it wishes.

“We are on our way to become a Zimbabwe quickly, and you and I will have to work hard to keep that from happening. Other African states, years after independence, have become countries of misery for the common man, while the dignitaries live in luxury.

“The poor man becomes poorer and the rich become richer. The common man is the prey at the ballot box and only the governments and their cronies skim off the cream. Empty promises are on the daily news, unfortunately many of us still believe the nonsense,” said Van Wyk…

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