Angola: Clothing Plant With Capacity for Up to 900,000 Garments Per...

Viana — A clothing factory with the capacity to produce between 300 and 900 thousand items of clothing per month was inaugurated this Friday...

Sudan: TSC Member General Ibrahim Jabir Arrives in Gal’a Al-Nahl Locality...

Gedaref — Member of the Transitional Sovereignty Council (TSC) and Assistant Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, General Marine Engineer Ibrahim Jabir, arrived on Sunday...

Mozambique: Government Admits ‘Endemic Corruption’

Maputo — In a key policy document, the Mozambican government has admitted there is "endemic corruption' in the country. This startling admission comes in the...

Namibia: Iol and Independent Media Condemn Threats Against Journalists, Editors and...

IOL and Independent Media condemn the appalling abuse and threats directed at several of our journalists, editors, our proprietor Dr. Iqbal Survé, and his...

Nigeria: Court Acquits Former Lagos Speaker of Money Laundering Charges

The trial of the former Lagos State Speaker Ikuforiji on money laundering charges started over 12 years, journeying to and back from the Supreme...

Liberia: ArcelorMittal Announces Michiel Van Der Merwe To Be New CEO...

ArcelorMittal Liberia announces the appointment of Michiel Van Der Merwe as the new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for ArcelorMittal Liberia, who will begin his...

Liberia Declares Salone Border Drug Hotspot

Monrovia — The Liberia Drug Enforcement Agency (LDEA) identifies the border with neighboring Sierra Leone as a significant hotspot for drug trafficking, highlighting a...

Egypt: Agriculture Ministry Reveals Updates On ‘100 Million Trees’ Initiative

The Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation revealed in a statement Sunday updates on its contribution to the presidential initiative "100 Million Trees," as...

Tunisia: Trapanis Underwater Photography Festival Next June 25-30 in Mahdia

Tunis — The coastal city of Mahdia will vibrate on June 25-30 to the rythm of the Trapanis Underwater Photography Festival and the CMAS...

Zimbabwe: Police Launch Operation Against Touts

The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) has launched nationwide operation titled "No To Touts" which aims to eradicate touting by gangs notorious for coercing travelers...