Pohamba complained about being unable to trust those around him

THE Swapo Party Youth League has defended President Hifikepunye Pohamba amid reports that his daughter benefited from a N$16,4 million housing contract, and that...

Mozambique president vetoed a bill on generous retirement perks

Maputo - Mozambique's President Armando Guebuza has vetoed a bill that would have granted him and fellow lawmakers generous retirement perks following a public...

Ethnic clashes broke out in Sebha, killing two and injuring nine...

Tripoli - Ethnic violence in the southern town of Germa was eventually contained yesterday evening as ethnic clashes broke out in Sebha, killing two...

Alliance called by Amr Moussa stumbles ahead of Egypt’s parliamentary poll

An electoral alliance called to back newly-inaugurated President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi in Egypt's upcoming parliamentary elections appears to have failed to drum up interest so...

6 Persons arrested for planting bombs in Winners Chapel

POLICE, on Saturday night, foiled an attempt to bomb a branch of Living Faith Church (a.k.a Winners' Chapel) in Owerri, Imo State, as they...

University of Bamenda Needs 100MFCFA to Get Faculty of Law and...

Bamenda, June 16 - A bilateral meeting between elites of Tubah sub division and Tafah Edokat, Vice Chancellor of the University of Bamenda, UBa,...

Tension as Somaliland, Somalia deploy troops on border

Tension is said to be mounting in the border regions of Sool and Sanaag, which are disputed between the central government in Mogadishu and...

Death toll following the attack in Mpeketoni, Lamu rose to 48

NAIROBI, Kenya – The death toll following the attack in Mpeketoni, Lamu rose to 48 on Monday morning after more bodies were discovered. Journalists and...

Robert Mugabe Successor

HARARE - She began her career young as a guerrilla, and then rose through the ranks to become a member of President Robert Mugabe’s...

New hospitals, clinics and health centres to be built in Namibia...

Four modern referral hospitals, 60 new health centres and 350 clinics are to be built in Namibia before 2023. This was confirmed by Ministry of...