US military and FBI captures Libyan suspect in Benghazi embassy attack

The US military and the Federal Bureau of Investigation jointly captured a man indicted in connection with the 2012 Benghazi attack that killed four Americans, including the US ambassador to Libya, officials said on Tuesday.

Special operations forces and FBI personnel on Sunday apprehended Ahmed Abu Khattala, previously a symbol of impunity. His capture is the first tangible outcome of President Obama’s vow to bring justice for the victims of Benghazi, which remains a subject of furious controversy among conservatives. The apprehension apparently took place inside Libya.

According to a statement from Rear Admiral John Kirby, the Pentagon press secretary, Abu Khattalah is now “in US custody in a secure location outside of Libya”.

Obama, in a statement shortly after the Defense Department confirmed the capture, said the US “has once again demonstrated that we will do whatever it takes to see that justice is done when people harm Americans” and credited the “painstaking efforts of our military, law enforcement and intelligence personnel.”

He added that Abu Khattalah will face “the full weight of the American justice system,” where he has been charged in connection with the attack in a Washington DC federal court…

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