Ethnic clashes broke out in Sebha, killing two and injuring nine others

Tripoli – Ethnic violence in the southern town of Germa was eventually contained yesterday evening as ethnic clashes broke out in Sebha, killing two and injuring nine others.

“Elders and army units managed to broker a ceasefire between the Tuareg fighters and Arabs,” head of the Obari joint-security room, Adam Saydi told the Libya Herald.

The clashes erupted in Gerrma on Friday when the imam of an Arab-community mosque allegedly called on his listeners to force out Tuaregs from a compound where they had recently taken up residence.

“We’ve received one corpse and five wounded from the Germa clashes,” Murzuk hospital spokesperson Mohammed Whamer said.

It is also reported that eight dead and seven wounded arrived at Obari hospital and another three wounded were transported to Al-Rageeba hospital.

“Things have calmed in Germa. With the blockaded roads re-opened, we are expecting a number of elders and wise men to arrive from nearby towns to broker a more lasting peace agreement,” explained Saydi.

However, even as tensions began to calm in the Obari area, armed clashes between Arabs, Tuaregs and Tebu erupted in Sebha in the Burday district yesterday evening…

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