Egyptian court fines man after ‘hot girl’ remark

An Egyptian court on Wednesday fined a taxi driver $700 (5,000 Egyptian pounds) told a woman participating in a protest against harassment at a Cairo square to “make way mozza (Arabic slang for “hot girl”).”

The verdict was issued by the head of a Cairo court of misdemeanors, minutes after the session kicked off.

Eyewitnesses and girls at the protest had told the prosecution office that the defendant mocked their protest and verbally harassed them saying: “honey” and “make way mozza.”

The taxi driver – who had been detained for four days – denied the charge in court, only admitting to asking one of the girls to make way in order to pass.

Although the girl who was allegedly harassed dropped the charges, the judge issued the fine

Tough law

The sentence follows under new legislation issued earlier this month by former interim President Adly Mansour outlawing sexual harassment…

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