Lenku will not resign despite demands by the Law Society of Kenya

NAIROBI, Kenya, Jun 17 – Interior Cabinet Secretary Joseph ole Lenku has said he will not resign despite demands by the Law Society of Kenya (LSK).

His lawyer Donald Kipkorir said it was unfortunate that the LSK was calling for his resignation, yet he is busy co-ordinating the rescue mission in Mpeketoni, Lamu.

“Our client rejects your demands in toto and will continue carrying out his national duties as provided in the Constitution… the said media release is cynical and done mala fide,” Kipkorir said.

Kipkorir argued that the attacks in Lamu are not in any way connected to the performance of his client, hence it is wrong for the LSK to ask for his resignation.

The LSK had earlier issued a media statement calling for the resignation of Lenku and Inspector General David Kimaiyo, blaming them for rising insecurity in the country.

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