Islamist militants attack hotels and police station in Kenyan coastal town

Suspected Islamist militants have attacked hotels and a police station in the Kenyan coastal town of Mpeketoni, military officials say.

Witnesses reported seeing buildings on fire and hearing gunfire in the town, which is near Lamu island.

It is not yet clear if there are any casualties.

Kenya has suffered a number of militant attacks since 2011 when its forces entered neighbouring Somalia to combat al-Shabab fighters.

Kenya’s Standard newspaper said on its website the attackers had stolen weapons and vehicles from the police station, which was on fire.

It said local residents had fled to nearby forests.

The paper also quoted a witness as saying he had counted six bodies in the street, but this could not be confirmed.

Van hijacked

Kenyan army spokesman Major Emmanuel Chirchir said gunmen entered Mpeketoni, a busy trading centre, and started “shooting people”.

The “assailants [are] likely to be al-Shabaab,” Major Chirchir said…

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