West Africa

West Africa – Daily news for West Africa

Ghana: Soaring Price of Tomatoes Causes a Stir On Social Media

Ranked 10th among 20 items with the highest inflation rates, fresh tomatoes have seen a substantial increase compared to the national inflation rate of...

Nigeria: CBN Can Collect Customers’ Social Media Handles, Court Rules

Justice Nnamdi Dimgba of the Federal High Court in Lagos has held that the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) is constitutionally empowered to demand...

Liberia: The Impact of Drugs On Students in Liberia

-- Aerica Faith Bellah, BA, Candidate MIR. Introduction Drug use among students in Liberia is a serious problem that affects their academic performance, health, and well-being....

Ghana: Govt Funding for Vaccine to Increase From 49 Percent to...

The Government Representative at the Ministry of Health, Dr Bernard Okoe-Boye, has disclosed that the government estimated funding for vaccines will increase from 49%...

West Africa: ‘Why Taiwan-Nigeria Trade Volume Declined By $500m’

The trade volume between Nigeria and Taiwan declined from $1bn in 2021 to $500m in 2023 after imports from Nigeria matched Taiwan's demand for...

Liberia: Chiefs Alarm Threats – allAfrica.com

-In Margibi land dispute Chiefs in Margibi County have alerted threats on their lives and jobs for their intervention in a land dispute in the...

Guinea: Victims of Unlawful Use of Force Still Waiting for Healthcare...

Guinea's authorities have repeatedly violated the human rights to peaceful assembly and freedom of expression since 2019, said Amnesty International in a new report...

Ghana: 7-Year Strategic Document On Health Financing Launched

A 7-year strategic document on Ghana's Health Financing aimed at reducing financial barriers to access health care in Ghana was last Friday launched in...

Cameroon: Police Raided and Assaulted Journalists in Douala On WPFD

According to a statement issued by the SNJC, their gathering was in accordance with Law 90/055 of 19 December, 1990 which ensures their rights...

Nigeria: Tinubu Subsidises Cost of 2024 Hajj With N90bn – Shettima

Mr Shettima said the government of Renewed Hope led by President Tinubu attaches immense importance to religious pilgrimage due to its role in transforming...