War vets protest farm seizure in Zimbabwe

Harare - Zimbabwe war veterans staged a demonstration on Monday in support of a white dairy farmer and 75 of his workers who were...

Zimbabwe’s Grace Mugabe enters Zanu-PF politics

The wife of Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe has entered politics after being endorsed to become head of the ruling Zanu-PF party's women's league. Grace Mugabe,...

Zimbabwe one of ‘problem states violating human rights’

Zimbabwe, the incoming chair of the 15-nation Southern African Development Community (Sadc), is among one-third of the group’s governments whose human rights records are...

Elephants’ poisoning continues in Zimbabwe – ZimParks

Harare - Five elephants have died of cyanide poisoning since January in Zimbabwe as poachers continue to wreak havoc in national parks, a senior...

Mugabe ranked among sub-Saharan Africa’s 26 worst leaders

Robert Mugabe and Jacob Zuma  has been ranked among sub-Saharan Africa’s 26 worst leaders in a poll released yesterday by Gallup, an American research...

Mugabe parties while Zimbabwe burns

Harare - The ruling Zanu PF yesterday shocked the world by holding celebrations to mark the anniversary of their electoral victory on July 31,...

Zimbabwe must adopt the South African Rand: Biti

Zimbabwe must adopt the South African Rand as the country’s economy will not recover under the current US dollar-dominated multi-currency environment, opposition MDC Renewal...

South Africa to renew all Zimbabwe dispensation permits

The South African cabinet has agreed to renew nearly all permits issued under the Zimbabwe Documentation Project. The special dispensation permits allowed about 270,000 previously...

Kariba dam rehabilitation set for 2015

Finance and Energy ministers from Zimbabwe and Zambia together with their secretaries and senior Government officials met with the AfDB president in Kariba last...

Mugabe’s wife, Grace, making move into frontline politics

President Robert Mugabe’s wife, Grace, is set to lead the Zanu (PF) women’s league after being unanimously recommended by the party’s 10 provinces yesterday. Newsday...