Southern Africa

Southern Africa – Daily news for Southern Africa

Namibia Considering Diamond Sales Without De Beers

RAPAPORT - Namibia is considering establishing a company to sell diamonds outside of the De Beers framework that is currently in place. “Our diamonds are...

Discoveries in Mozambique could attract the wrong kind of attention

MOZAMBIQUE’S natural gas bounty, coupled with the country’ s massive coal deposits, are set to transform the previously impoverished nation, and the region, in...

ZANU PF seeking international legitimacy

ZANU PF has stepped up its efforts in seeking international legitimacy, by trying to secure a court ruling that declares the European Union (EU)...

Air Namibia suspends Managing Director, Theo Namases

Air Namibia has suspended its Managing Director, Theo Namases, late Monday afternoon. Also suspended alongside Namases is the company's General Manager for Airport Services,...

Coal India may buying majority stake in railway project in Mozambique

Kolkata - State-run Coal India is looking at the possibility of taking majority stake in a railway project in Mozambique, which will help the...

Mugabe not worried about the crumbling economy

HARARE - President Robert Mugabe, displaying his boundless energy and penchant for the world stage, left the controls of his economically-ravaged nation last week...

Poverty distresses President Michael Sata

President Michael Sata is always distressed to see people suffering, says George Zulu. In an interview, Zulu, who is foreign affairs permanent secretary, said...

SA’s new travel rules a wake-up call for Zambia

SENIOR chief Mukuni says the stringent travel rules introduced by South Africa are a wake-up call for Zambia to reposition itself as a flexible...

Pohamba complained about being unable to trust those around him

THE Swapo Party Youth League has defended President Hifikepunye Pohamba amid reports that his daughter benefited from a N$16,4 million housing contract, and that...

Mozambique president vetoed a bill on generous retirement perks

Maputo - Mozambique's President Armando Guebuza has vetoed a bill that would have granted him and fellow lawmakers generous retirement perks following a public...