Southern Africa

Southern Africa – Daily news for Southern Africa

Southern Africa: Call for Zim-Zambia to Strengthen Trade Cooperation

Farirai Machivenyika Senior Reporter ZIMBABWE and Zambia should take advantage of their historical ties to strengthen economic cooperation, the Permanent Secretary for Foreign Affairs and...

Angola Committed to Responsible Fishing

Luanda — Angola is committed to promoting responsible fishing practices, which guarantee the conservation of marine species and oceanic ecosystems, reaffirmed, Friday, the deputy...

South Africa must end white control, Mugabe

Southh Africa has failed to take the lead in the industrialisation process of other African countries because its economy is still under white control,...

Namibia: Geingob – Safeguarding Human Rights Is a Shared Responsibility

Lahja Nashuuta President Hage Geingob has encouraged Namibians to recommit themselves to upholding human rights and promoting gender equality to create a future where every...

Lesotho: Hey Mzansi, Lesotho Wants Its Land Back

The Basotho Kingdom is set to discuss a motion in the new year to reclaim areas of land in South Africa. According to a government...

Angola’s Government Prioritizing Journalists Training

Luanda — The Secretary of State for Social Communication Nuno Caldas on Monday said that Angolan government is prioritizing the training of journalists given...

Angola: Minister Launches New Challenges for Edições Novembro

Luanda — Angolan minister of Telecommunications, Information Technology and Social Communication Mário Augusto Silva de Oliveira Wednesday in Luanda challenged the State-run "Edições Novembro"...

Meeting the urgent needs of vulnerable women and girls and those...

To respond to the urgent needs of an estimated 530,000 people displaced by violent conflict in Cabo Delgado, UNFPA has supported the government’s installation...

Angola: TAAG Strengthens Domestic Routes This Month

Luanda — Angola's Airlines (TAAG) has announced plans to provide more services on domestic routes with greater demand, after the company pledged to increase...

South Sudan: Preserving Economic Progress in the Face of COVID-19

Amid COVID-19, South Sudan shows the world it is open for business and committed to economic prosperity and inclusive growth; South Sudan hosted a...