Southern Africa

Southern Africa – Daily news for Southern Africa

One Week to Go Until Angola Oil & Gas 2023

Government, public enterprises, global investors and private players are preparing to travel to Luanda for the fourth edition of the Angola Oil & Gas...

Robert Mugabe admits Zimbabwe’s land reform flaws

Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe has admitted failures in the country's controversial land reform programme. "I think the farms we gave to people are too large....

Namibia: Mixed Pairs Competition Growing

The Windhoek Golf & Country Club hosted the Namibia Ladies Golf Union's Mixed Pairs competition on Saturday, where 30 pairs of golfers participated in...

Angola: 2023 Retrospective – Anti-Corruption Remains On the Rise

Luanda — O combate à corrupção, à impunidade e outros males que enfermam a sociedade voltou a ser, em 2023, o apanágio dos órgãos...

Angola/Portugal – Finance Ministers Sign Agreement

Luanda — Finance ministers from Angola and Portugal on Wednesday signed a protocol of cooperation in the areas of public finances, combat money laundering...

Mozambique Takes Up Seat On Security Council

Mozambique took up its seat as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council at the UN headquarters in New York, on 3...

Zimbabwe: After Three Outbreaks, Zimbabwe Is On High Alert to Curtail...

Haunted by memories of epidemics past and bordered by outbreaks, Zimbabwe is bracing for the deadly, but preventable, infection. Fifteen years have passed since the...

Zimbabwe: Holy Ten Cannot Be Cancelled – Says Enzo Ishall –...

Zimdancehall chanter Enzo Ishall is in the eye of the storm after defending Holy Ten's decision to support President Emmerson Mnangagwa ahead of the...

Botswana: Government Plans Use of Cattle-Herding Drones

Maitengwe — In an effort to promote digital inclusion, government will, in the near future develop a drone-driving Application to be used by households,...

Namibia: ‘Paying Out 11 000 Veterans Will Take 40 Years’

THE government paying out less than 280 war veterans per year to start their economic projects means that it will take 40 years to...