Namibia: ‘Various Factors’ Caused Impalila Aircraft Accident

The Directorate of Aircraft Accident Investigations listed a multitude of factors which played a role in the aircraft crash on Impalila Island, Zambezi region...

Namibia: Windhoek District Hospital Still Without Contractor

Despite last week's groundbreaking ceremony for a 500-bed Windhoek district hospital slated for completion in four years, the health ministry has confirmed no bids...

Namibia: Creating Awareness Around Autism

Izakuje Kamandoora and Ricardo Mbaeva noticed their son walking on his toes and when angry, he would hit his head against the wall. Additionally,...

Namibia: World Bank Loan to Namibia Supports Renewable Energy Integration

Windhoek — --Today marks the approval of Namibia's first ever World Bank financed energy project, aimed at improving the reliability of the country's transmission...

Namibia: Suffering From ‘Yingondwe’ –

EASTER Arupe (73) cannot do anything without leaning on her daughter. She suffers from yingondgwe. This is what the Rukwanali call the age-old disease that has...

Ghana/Namibia: Black Queens Book Namibia Date …After 12-0 Mauling of Rwanda...

Ghana's female senior national team, the Black Queens, yesterday completed a 12-0 aggregate victory over the 'She-Amavubis' of Rwanda in the second leg of...

Namibia: ‘Geingob a Lion and a Lamb’ – Presidency Staff

I never thought I would one day have to pay tribute to a man who was larger than life, a towering giant, a fearless...

Namibia: Netball Title Race Wide Open

The MTC Netball Premier League title race is wide open with three teams currently sharing the lead and another two hot on their heels...

Namibia: Supreme Court Alters Long Sentences

Three acting judges of appeal last week adjusted inordinately long sentences imposed on inmates convicted of gruesome murders, rapes and robberies. The judges also antedated...