North Africa

North Africa – Daily news for North Africa

Egypt, Somalia Sign MOUs On Higher Education, Cultural Cooperation, Media in...

CAIRO - Egypt, and Somalia signed on Monday a number of MoUs in various fields of cooperation, including higher education, media, and cultural and...

Sudan: FCC-DB – ’70 Leaders to Attend Cairo Inter-Sudanese Dialogue Workshop’

Khartoum / Cairo — A delegation of 70 leaders of the Forces for Freedom and Change-Democratic Block (FFC-DB), will depart for Cairo to participate...

Sudan: Western Envoys Vow to Resume Support for Sudan Transition

Khartoum, Sudan — Special envoys from the European Union, Britain, France, Germany, Norway, and the U.S. have vowed to support Sudan's transition to a...

AU to launch African Union Passport during Summit

The launch of the African Union Passport, considered a critical development to ease free movement of people, spur economic growth and development as well...

Egypt: Sinai Tunnels… the Dream That Came True

The Suez Canal tunnel construction project ... It is the largest tunnel project in the history of Egypt and the Middle East, it was...

Egypt, EU Probe Means to Boost Renewable Energy, Green Hydrogen Cooperation

Egypt's ambassador to the European Union and Belgium Badr Abdel Ati has reviewed means to cement cooperation with the EU in the domains of...

Libya: ‘Anything Would Help’ – Benghazi Doctor Calls for Aid After...

London/Benghazi, Libya — 'Everyone is still in shock. We still haven't had time to process our emotions.' People are looking for help wherever they can...