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East Africa

East Africa – Daily news for East Africa

U.N. – Somalia could slide backwards if world loses interest

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Hard-won security gains in Somalia could be undermined unless the rest of the world steps up support to improve Somalis' lives,...

Rebels from South Sudan to release seized Kenyan plane

Kenya - Deputy President William Ruto has managed to convince rebels in South Sudan to release a Kenyan plane that was seized in the...

Somali warlord quits al-Shabaab extremists

MOGADISHU - A notorious Somali warlord allied to the Islamist al-Shabaab and on UN sanction lists has agreed to quit the extremists, the information...

Muslim cleric has been shot dead in Mombasa

A moderate Muslim cleric has been shot dead in Mombasa, the latest killing of a preacher in the Kenyan city. Sheikh Mohammed Idris, chairman of...

Measles threatens children in Somalia

Mogadishu - Thousands of children in war-torn Somalia are facing death or disability due to an outbreak of highly contagious measles, the United Nations...

Kenya kicks out Chinese telecoms firm’s top executives

Kenya: Two executives of a Chinese telecoms firm, ZTE, battling to retain a multi-billion-shilling tender to supply police with communication and surveillance equipment have...

Somali pirates freed 11 Sailors that were held captive for 4...

Nairobi - Eleven sailors mostly from Asia held hostage for almost four years by Somali pirates have been freed and are safe on their...