Central Africa

Central Africa – Daily news for Central Africa

Partners join the Human Race for climate action in West and...

Download logoThe climate emergency is wreaking havoc across the world at a scale that people and humanitarian organizations on the front lines struggle to...

WHO Logistics Hub Airlifts its Largest Single Shipment of Humanitarian Cargo...

The World Health Organization (WHO) Logistics Hub in Dubai delivered 85 metric tons of life-saving medical supplies to Ethiopia, the largest single shipment of...

Statement by Acting Humanitarian Coordinator for Ethiopia, Grant Leaity, on the...

Download logoWith the inability to bring in sufficient and sustained levels of humanitarian supplies, cash and fuel, the humanitarian situation in the North of...

Somalia Humanitarian Fund allocates US$26 million for life-saving assistance

Download logoThe Somalia Humanitarian Funding (SHF) has allocated US$26 million to scale up life-saving assistance for about 1.2 million people in the country. These...

Eswatini Holds an Inaugural Virtual National Health Research Conference

The Kingdom of Eswatini successfully hosted an inaugural virtual national health research conference from 26 to 27 August 2021. The conference was held under the...

The Humanitarian Coordinator strongly condemns humanitarian killed by explosive device in...

Download logoThe Humanitarian Coordinator in the Central African Republic, Ms. Denise Brown, is deeply shocked and dismayed by the violent death of a humanitarian...

Coronavirus: Sierra Leone receives 151,200 J&J COVID-19 vaccines donated by US...

The United States Government has donated 151,200 doses of the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine to Sierra Leone to help accelerate the current COVID-19 vaccination...

Video News Release: WHO Africa Online Briefing

Watch the video: https://www.youtube.com/embed/WryyMtlJGcg?info=AWMCaAdhDTUCeQV0AjkEYFcyBD9WIVV0AXUINQBxXX5XWgMiBjsKb1UzAHIAb1cmVG4MP1FpB2hRJlNgAGVRMVBhWCkCMVM9US5SN1Q5CSEBMwJiB2kNPwI3BT0CMwRhVyAEPlZwVT0BOQhuACFdb1drAzIGDQp2VT8APQAxV3dUbwx9UWoHY1E9U2gAd1ExUGBYNgIwUylRM1I+VC0JMQE7AnIHYg0+AjgFNAIzBGtXMgQ1ViFVPAF8Distributed by APO Group on behalf of WHO Regional Office for Africa. Source South Africa Today Africa – Central Africa Congo News

Coronavirus – Africa: COVID-19 variants prolong Africa's pandemic wave

Download logoWeekly COVID-19 cases in Africa fell by more than 20%—the sharpest seven-day decline in two months – as the third wave pandemic tapers...

Cigna Middle East CEO Extends Role to African Markets

Download logoCigna Corporation (NYSE:CI) (www.Cigna.com), a global health services company, has appointed Jerome Droesch as Chief Executive Officer for the Middle East and Africa...