Signs to watch for crime: warning by South African police

Signs to watch for crime: warning by South African police

These are communication signs criminals use to plan their attacks in South Africa.

Be very watchful for the following signs:

Description Meaning
“Z” painted on stop sign or the road. Houses in street targeted for burglaries.
Pile of little stones. Dogs
Two big stones together. Two old people together.
Stones in a row. How many people in the house.
Swastika on road. House targeted for burglary.
Direction of swastika. Points to house targeted.
Coke can, red cloth, crisp packet. Can experience resistance.
Upright Coke can. Nobody is home.
Two Coke cans. Owner is armed.
White sorghum carton, plastic bag. Easy target.
Sorghum carton facing house. Target marked.
White plastic bag on fence. Easy target.

It is advisable to remove any possible signs found around your home.

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